1,000 Well-Recognized Women Worldwide Rally for Freedom and Gender Equality leading to eliminating violence against women. Among the signatories are 50 former presidents, vice presidents, prime ministers, and ministers, as well as 175 members of Parliament, alongside hundreds of mayors, former parliamentarians, women’s rights activists, scholars, experts, Nobel laureates, and leaders of non-governmental organizations.
4200 lawmakers in 63 parliaments in 42 countries, including 39 majorities in France, Italy, the U.S., the UK, Norway, the Netherlands, Ireland, etc., support NCRI’s call for eliminating violence against women leading to gender equality by 2050.
A group of 84 Nobel laureates joins the NCRI global support for gender equality, which leads to eliminating violence against women. These include statements from 4200 world leaders, the majority of the US House of Representatives, and many European parliaments.
House forms new bipartisan caucus to support the NCRI gender equality, leading to
eliminating violence against women in Iran and the rest of the globe.
Bipartisan Senators Support NCRI gender equality leading to
eliminating violence against women
Bipartisan House Resolution and Caucus Refocus Attention on Decades of
Women’s Struggle for NCRI gender equality Worldwide.
Majority of Italian Parliament Unites in Support of NCRI gender Equality leading
to eliminating violence against women in Iran and beyond
Five Hundred Twenty-Five UK Parliamentarians Unite in Support of
NCRI Gender Equality leads to eliminating violence against women.
Hundred-fifty EU Parliamentarians Rally Behind NCRI’s
Vision for Gender Equality worldwide
Senate Briefing in Washington DC Calls for Policy Change on Gender Equality.
Leader of the NCRI with some of the top global leaders in PARIS:
Senator John McCain, Chairman of Senate Arms Services
General David Phillips was a former officer responsible for the safety and security of refugees in Iraq.
Porter Goss, former Homeland Security Secretary
Gov. Tom Ridge, former US Secretary of Homeland Security
former FBI Director Louis Freeh,
Mitchell Reiss, a former State Department official, is a top foreign policy adviser to Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.
former Pennsylvania and Vermont Governors Ed Rendell
Howard Dean, U.S. Representative
Dana Rohrbacher, a California Republican
Robert Torricelli, a former Democratic New Jersey senator
former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani,
President Obama’s former national security advisers were James Jones and Hugh Shelton, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Both Democratic and Republican former officials
former C.I.A. directors, R. James Woolsey
Porter J. Goss; a former F.B.I. director,
Louis J. Freeh, a former attorney general,
Michael B. Mukasey, President Bush’s first Homeland Security chief,
Tom Ridge, President Obama’s first national security adviser,
Gen. James L. Jones;
Former New York Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani
former Vermont governor Howard Dean
former top counterterrorism official of the State Department, Dell L. Dailey
Ted Poe, a member of Congress from Texas
Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives
Joseph Lieberman, former U.S. Senator and Vice-Presidential candidate:
John Bolton, former U.S. ambassador to the UN:
John Baird, former Foreign Minister of Canada:
Robert Menendez, senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee,
Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi,
Ed Royce, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee,
Ambassador Daniel Fried, Secretary of State Special Advisor on Ashraf;
Brig. Gen. David Phillips (ret.), chief of the Military Policy School at Fort Leonard Wood and former commander of all police operations in Iraq,
Porter Goss, Director of CIA (2003-2006)
John Sano, Former CIA National Clandestine Service's Deputy Director
General Hugh Shelton, U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff (1997-2001)
General George Casey, former Commander of the Multi-National Force Iraq (2004-2007) and
Chief of Staff of the US Army until 2011,
Retired General Jack Keane
General Wesley Clark
General Chuck Wald, former Deputy Commander of US European Command,
Gen. James T. Conway, a four-star former Commandant of the US Marine
These are the children of Iran; they are the lamps that cannot be snuffed by the wind and the salt that remains unspoiled through the ages. They are the ones who are steadily moving toward perfection, beauty, and truth.
These are the children of Iran, and Senator Patrick Kennedy and her family members are in support of Gender Equality, leading to eliminating violence against women in Iran and beyond.
Iranian Women Tie Their Freedoms to the Nationwide Struggle to Eradicate
Gender Inequality in Iran and beyond